Debra Denison Cantor, Esquire

Name:Debra Denison Cantor, Esquire
Address:McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
Address 2:100 Pine Street, Harrisburg PA 17108, P.O. Box 1166, Harrisburg PA 17108-1166
Office Phone:(717) 237-5297
Free Consultation:
Ms. Cantor is a member with the Harrisburg law firm of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC. She practices in the area of family law in various Central Pennsylvania counties. Ms. Cantor is a member of the Family Law Sections of the Pennsylvania, Dauphin and Cumberland County Bar Associations. Ms. Cantor currently serves on the PBA Family Law Section Council. She served as co-chair of the Collaborative Law Subcommittee of the PBA, and is a member of the Collaborative Professionals of Central PA and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Ms. Cantor has served as a case notes contributor to The Pennsylvania Family Lawyer, and serves as a lecturer for PBI. Ms. Cantor has been named a Super Lawyer for the years 2007-2012 by Philadelphia Magazine, and was named a Best Lawyer® in 2013 by Woodward/White Inc. She is active in her community and was named one of the top fifty business women in Pennsylvania in 2000 by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Ms. Cantor was also named a Woman of Excellence by the YWCA in 2004. She received her B.A., with honors, from the Pennsylvania State University, and her J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law.